Crazy in love


12 red roses and lilys


12 red roses and lilys designed to show them just how much you care!

Our team source the freshest flowers daily, so you can trust that your bouquet will be unique and individual every time.

We are proud of the great service and quality we offer. Thanks to the locals in Palm Beach and beyond who give us the opportunity to create beautiful bouquets day in day out!

“I loved your attention to detail and the ease it was to order from you. Your knowledge of what flowers would be available when I wanted them and adapting to last min changes.”
Margaret Turner, Tweed Heads, QLD

We have same day flower delivery service to all areas of the Gold Coast, delivered with care by our couriers.

If you would like to speak to one of our friendly florists give us a call 07 5534 6655.

Jacque and the team x